The Challenge's Newest Boston Baddy |
A few thoughts on what was easily the best episode since Johnny Backpacks on Cutthroat and maybe ever:
- Who knew that Vinny Foti could be so entertaining? This was a guy who's previous highlights included coitusing Sarah and going home second on Fresh Meat II and getting sent in before Luke to the Gulag because he was too stupid to keep around. Let's break down his episode further
- Vinny opens up the episode with a story revealing that for all intents and purposes he is the worlds best fed homeless person as his girlfriend kicked him out of the apartment. His solution: go home with a new girl every night, a normal persons: get a new apartment.
- Vinny then wins his first Challenge ever. Even after his strong performance last week I'll admit I never thought Vinny Foti would win an immunity challenge especially not with his new Big Easy Look. - 15 points for winning an immunity challenge.
- Vinny then goes out to the club to celebrate his win with Sarah and see if she'll sleep with him for winning her a challenge. Apparently finds out that she won't decides to take his shirt off to let the ladies know what he's working with (sidebar: next year there will be points for every time Vinny takes his shirt off provided he still has that amazing gut) and decides that Mandi should join him in shirtlessness. Surprisingly small immediate reaction from fellow castmates but when they get home is another story entirely. - 25 points for sexual assault
- Vinny then returns home where he is confronted by a unusually level headed but lovestruck Wes Bergmann who cites the shows rules as the only reason for not beating Vinny up. Vinny does not want to hear any of this and a verbal argument ensues. - 5 points for verbally arguing
- TJ Lavin arrives to inform the cast that MTV does not tolerate sexual assault of any kind and that Vinny has to leave. Vinny shows that for all of the strides he's made as a valuable cast-member he still doesn't quite get it as he misses an opportunity to make a production staffer come remove him or assault TJ and instead leaves relatively quietly to pack his things. - 100 points for being kicked off outside of gameplay
- Before he leaves Vinny gets one more verbal argument in with Sarah showing that he truly has no conscience and will be back.
To wrap things up I really gained a lot of respect for Vinny this episode he had a few lines that were kinda funny and found a way to ensure he got invited back, which seemed like a stretch as to date he'd been an also ran, much like Julie Stouffer who became a must get for the producers when she attempted to kill Veronica Portillo on Inferno I. Here's to Vinny finding a way to top himself next season by picking up self tattooing and transforming himself into bizarre fat Abram.
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